This site runs Weblate for translating the software projects listed below. You need to be signed in to translate, otherwise you can only make suggestions.
Welcome to the Foundry Hub Weblate
What is Foundry Hub Weblate?
Foundry Hub Weblate is a community-maintained Weblate server that is used to translate Foundry VTT modules and systems. It is provided free of charge to Foundry VTT community members and is hosted on Foundry Hub.
Who can use Weblate?
Anyone can use Weblate to translate Foundry VTT modules and systems. Just create a free account and start translating any of the modules and systems currently available on Foundry Hub Weblate.
Please make sure to read each project's translation instructions in their info
I am a translator. How do I get started?
First, create an account on this website. Then check this video demonstrating how to get started with Weblate.
I am a developer. How do I get my project translated?
Check the Getting Started page for instructions on how to get your project translated on Foundry Hub Weblate. Once your project is set up, read our Recommendations for developers page for tips on how to get the best out of Weblate.
Contact and help
If you have any questions or need help, feel free to join our Discord server and ask for help in the #weblate
Support us
Foundry Hub is a non-profit project launched in February 2021. The server costs are covered by donations. If you like Foundry Hub, please consider donating to help us keep the lights on.
More information about Foundry Hub: Foundry Hub Organization docs